Pictures are organized by artist name. If your art is listed under the wrong artist or you would like to be listed by an alias other than what I have, please email me. If you find a broken link, please email me. I'll get things updated and fixed as I can between my classes and work ~Pi
The Code:
The code will help you poor sensitive folk not be traumatized too much by the art here. Note there is no age or smooth/bear descriptor in the codes. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to do it, you can usually guess by the artist.
First code = size
Second Code = method
Third Code = Misc.
Hope this helps. It took some work.
August Soul
Eleven Grain Bread
Little Peter
Things in Caves
Mixed Artists
This is all the pictures I had or had access to as of 11/12/04. If I am missing some of your work, please feel free to mail it to me. If I have mistyped your name or given the wrong credit please correct me. Hope you enjoy the galleries!
Fs = Full Size
Sh = Shrunken
Gr = Growth (Giant)
O = Oral Vore
A = Anal Vore
D = Dick Vore
Pre = Pre-vore
Other = Duh
Blood = Blood (bleeding, chewing, stabbing, biting)
Cap = Captioned/Mini-story
Cook = Victim is in pan/pot/etc.
Draw = Drawing (not photo)
Draw/Montage = Combined Drawing and Montaging (usually with computers)
Updated -> 8/20/04
a.k.a. Antonio, Nello
Updated -> 8/20/05
Added -> 8/20/04
Added -> 11/12/04
a.k.a. Wolf
Updated -> 8/20/05
Updated -> 8/20/05
a.k.a. Nikomon
Updated -> 8/20/05
Updated -> 8/20/05
a.k.a. Sjeikl
Updated -> 11/12/04