That'll Teach Ya!
By: ShrinkMe
The basketball game ended and their school had lost the game. It had been a close one
though and the fight for the win had been VERY dramatic. The final score had been 128 -
130! Their school would NOT make it to the playoff's and the group was pissed to say the
There was 15 guys in the group, most of them jocks, and all were too pissed and worked
up to go to a bar to drown their disappointment just yet. They decided to walk to the
nearest sports bar 10 blocks away. There was an alley on the way that was good to find at
least one bum, maybe two, that they could take their frustration out on. They had
done it before, this would be no different. So they all headed out - loud and boisterous
and ready to fight anyone that got in their way.
The alley was 5 blocks away from the basketball gym. Lou was rummaging around in a
dumpster for dinner scraps for himself and two other guys. He heard the traffic out on the
street and figured that the college had finished with something because of all the noise,
but he kept at his foraging.
Then Lou heard loud voices approaching the alley, it sounded like a lot of guys from all
the noise they were making. Lou grabbed his cloth bag of food scraps and climbed out of
the dumpster just as some of the group of young men came around the corner and into the
"There's a slimy fucker right there, let's get 'im before he runs away." Said one of the
"Shit, I'll take the left with Mike, you take the right with Jeff, come on you guys we got
us a live one." Said another and the group swung into action to grab Lou before he could
run away.
Lou heard all the commotion behind him and turned to face the oncoming young men.
Lou had learned a trick from an Indian friend he had met hitching on a train in New
Mexico once. Lou concentrated his mind on the whole group of young men and with his
mind he 'threw out' a thought wave. His thought was "shrink", "shrink", "shrink"....
"Damn, the fucker is stopping to let us catch his slimy ass, get him guys." One of the
students shouted.
"Hey...What the fuck!!!"
"Shit, I'm falling!"
"Help me I'm falling."
Lou kept his concentration focused on shrinking the whole group of young thugs. He kept
concentrating until he was sure all had been affected and all had been shrunk down to the
size he wanted. Then he stepped forward to the nearest bundle of empty clothing on the
alley roadway. Lou could hear the voice coming from inside the pile of clothing and
rummaged through the clothes until he found the little man inside. Lou grabbed the
young man in his dirty hand and brought the little guy up and dropped him into the cloth
bag with the scraps of food he had found.
Lou continued the gathering up of the shrunken students until he had all of them in the
cloth bag. Now he wanted to prepare them for the next thing he had in mind. Lou walked
to an area of the alley was better lit and sat down and fished a small roll of string from the
huge coat he wore. Then he reached inside the bag and grasped the first man his hand
came upon and brought him out. Then Lou began to tie up the little man's arms and legs
in a way that he wouldn't be able to get away if Lou put him on the ground. Lou then
proceeded to tie up all the men except for two of the 'meatiest'. One of them he put down
inside his layers of shirts next to his smelly skin. The other he stood up and put him
inside of his filthy underwear.
The men had all freaked out at not only being shrunk, but then being handled and tied up.
Lou didn't care, he just let them struggle and scream. They were all gonna beat him up
whether he had liked it or not, so Lou didn't feel bad about what he was doing.
Lou put all the others back into the cloth bag and slung it over his shoulder and walked
back to camp where his two buddies, Chuck and Dale were. Lou could feel the struggles
of the men in his clothing and it felt good, gave him a hard-on, which he was sure was
good for the guy in there with it. Lou had last taken a 'bath' about 8 months ago. He
had last changed his clothes longer than that. So Lou was pretty ripe to say the least.
Lou got to the camp and found his buddies awake still and waiting for him. They had a
fire going and looked expectantly at Lou hoping that he had found something to eat. They
took turns getting food.
"Well guys, we have enough for a feast tonight and some for left-overs for a few days.
Lots of protein, too."
"You shittin' us, Lou? I'm starvin'."
"Let me just fix up a platter for us. I'll be right back."
Lou went over behind three barrels and squatted down. He reached over and grabbed a
top to a trashcan that was flattened out. He reached into his back pocket and fished out
his bandana/snot rag and placed it over the platter. Lou then reached inside the bag and
one at a time he fished out three tied up little men and placed them on the platter. Lou had
found some bread and still good tomatoes and he fished these out and placed them on the
platter as well. Then he stood up and went back to the fire and to his buddies sitting there
waiting for dinner.
Lou placed the platter of 'food' on the ground at the feet of Dale and Chuck and sat back
and looked at his buddies. They looked at the platter and then back at Lou.
"You did it again, Lou?"
"I had to Chuck. They were gonna gang bang me. It was either me or them. You
remember what happened to Charlie last week, I wasn't gonna let that happen to me."
Rick and Tim and Todd were on the platter moaning and crying and struggling to get
loose and get away from the horror that was facing them. But it was to no avail. They
were tied too tight to get the string loose. Then the men were looking at them. Rick
understood what was to happen and screamed as one of the giants grabbed him up off the
"Well, I don't like mine with string on it. Get stuck in my throat and is hard to digest." So
Dale got out his knife and cut the string away from Rick. Rick struggled mightily in
Dale's grip but it was to no avail.
"Struggle all ya want runt. You'll taste better going down if you do." And with that Dale
stuck Rick's head into his mouth and started to push the little man further into his mouth.
Rick soon found himself inside the giant's wet smelly mouth being coated with the slimy
saliva and was being pushed further back towards the throat by the giant fingers of Dale.
Dale tilted his head back and gave a huge swallow and felt the little man struggle all the
way down this throat and into his stomach. Rick had a free fall down into Dale's stomach.
He tried to grab something, anything to keep from going all the way down but there he
was with no way out. Rick could hear the giant breathing and talking about how good he
had been and that he wanted another one.
"I'm still hungry. Do you have any others Lou?"
Sure. Help yourself. They're in the bag over there. I figure five each. So you get four
more, Dale."
While Dale went for seconds, Chuck reached out and grabbed up one of the two left on
the platter. The little man was squirming in his grip. Really made Chuck's belly growl
when they did that. He placed the man against his belly.
"You hear that noise? That means my belly wants you in there. So how do you want to
go? In pieces or whole? Hmmm...?" Chuck brought Todd up to his mouth and licked
Todd all over.
"Oh yah, you'll taste real good going down. I think I'll eat ya whole." And with that
Chuck tossed Todd into his mouth feet first. He tilted his bead back and just let Todd go
right on down his gullet and into his throat and swallowed a huge swallow and that was
the end of Todd.
"Well little buddy, looks like you're mine. I like to be a pig with my food." With that Lou
bent down and grabbed Tim in his mouth. He lifted up his head and with his long tongue
manuvered Tim inside his mouth. His tongue bathed and tasted Tim for a long while and
then Tim felt the head of the giant tilt back and Tim was headed for the throat. Tim found
a tooth to grab onto but the flow of saliva and the rippling tongue made him loose his grip
and Tim was swallowed by Lou.
Dale came back to the fire rubbing his belly and burped, as did the others. They all sat
there rubbing their bellies until they couldn't feel their dinner moving around in there
anymore. Dale and Chuck moved away and got their bedrolls out and prepared for bed.
Lou moved away from the fire and played with the little men in his clothing until he
came. He rubbed the little men in the cum and kept them in his clothes. They were the
last ones he ate. By then they had been caked with piss and cum and Lou's sweat and
smell. They really had marinated well and had tasted the best going down.
'That'll teach those young maniacs to bother old Lou' he thought as the last struggling
died away in his belly. Lou let out a wet rumbling belch and smiled to himself.
The end.