Down And Out: A Rough Guide to Being Food
By: Semibu


“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” For generations this quaint old notion has conjured up a fluffy rose-tinted image of providing that hungry hunk with a delicious meal in order to win his affections. Perhaps you should now familiarise yourself with another expression this time from the culinary world: “Digestion begins with the eyes.” But be careful not to misinterpret his longing glances and dilated pupils or you may soon come to understand a somewhat lesser known adage: “The way to a man’s stomach is down his gullet.” Unfortunately, by the time you discover the grim realities of the latter it will be too late. You will already be on the menu and about to embark upon a dark slimy one-way journey.


So, what are the chances of being eaten by that hungry hunk? After all, we are not talking about cannibalism involving murder, dismemberment and being cooked for 3 hours at gas mark 6. This is about one man, our formidable hunk, swallowing another man, you, alive and whole. This is vore, a label frequently used to ensure that those unfamiliar with this concept do not confuse it with something far more sinister. Vore is fantasy and, because of the laws of physics, is set to remain so. Clearly it would be impossible for our hunk, no matter how hungry, to gulp you down in one - Unless, of course, you were just five or six inches tall. Returning to the question in hand, the chances of you being eaten by that hungry hunk are slim.

This is not at all a satisfactory state of affairs. So let us assume that, thanks to recent scientific developments, it is possible to be shrunk down to a helpless six inches. Suddenly you are the little guy wrapped in the fingers of a ravenous giant. Your precarious situation could be the result of any one of a number of popular vore scenarios. For the purposes of this ‘Rough guide to being food’ we will cut to the chase and simply say that you’ve known this hunk for sometime. You like him but he doesn’t like you and wants to put you in your place – his stomach. He has planned this moment for days and has not eaten for hours. He is famished. He is going to swallow you alive and whole.


Even at a tiny six inches, you may still consider it impossible for any ‘normal’ human to eat you whole. But think of the sword swallower, those with compulsive eating disorders or perhaps the guy who occasionally appears on variety television shows downing hot dog sausages in one. Remember, too, that anti-gagging throat spray dentists use to protect patients from choking and spluttering during surgery. Suddenly we realise that you can be sent down the hatch without a scratch. However, your eater will need your full co-operation. Start to struggle and you may find yourself being crunched and chewed to a pulp. So, when he tells you to relax, you relax. When he tells you to keep your arms by your side, you keep your hands by your side.


The big moment draws nigh. We can guess that the big fellow is feeling good. He’s gloating. He’s laughing at you, his meal to be. His belly is empty but for a few sips of water. He is ready for his victim. But only you can really take a guess as to how you might feel. Perhaps you are feeling light-headed, almost high. Maybe you are excited and afraid all at the same time. You have longed for this for years and yet, now that you are actually being brought to his gloating greedy grin, you are nervous and scared of the great unknown: What will it feel like? What will happen to you once you’ve been swallowed? How long will you survive behind those rippling abs? The news is not good – well, not for you, anyway.


Nature suggests that it is easier for the predator if he swallows his prey head first. He opens wide and extends his tongue. The tongue is an organ magnificent in its versatility. It can be long and stiff or broad and flat. It tastes, prods, licks and manipulates. Now, after lashing out much verbal abuse, it is a soft undulating, dripping welcome mat. You are face down as you are slid gently in upon its steaming textured length. His grasping fingers shift from your torso to your knees as you advance. His tongue quivers, its tip curls up between your legs preventing your retreat. You look around a carnivorous cave of reds, purples and pinks. The tenderness of those smooth inner cheeks and this heaving sea of taste buds contrasted by his gleaming teeth and ridged palate ceiling against which your head and shoulders are pressed. You are dowsed in thick saliva. It has a delicate intimate scent you have never before noticed. Your wet body is suddenly sensitive to the cold air rushing in over you, into his throat and down to his lungs. It returns as his warm humid breath. REFLEX

Like a conveyor belt, his tongue retracts taking you deeper within. His upper front teeth dig lightly into your buttocks holding you in place as again the conveyor belt extends outwards beneath you, its dimpled surface stimulating your skin. Once again, cold air rushes over you but this time you can actually see where it goes: under the archway, flapping a slime-drenched uvular as it hurries down between plump parted tonsils. His ever-dilating throat is sizing you up. Its impressive gape sends a shiver down your spine. He tips back his head and exhales. Only your claves, ankles and feet protrude from his gigantic jaws as he inhales again. You squirm, a natural reflex as your head hits the back of his throat with a squelch and you are suddenly peering into the darkness of his treacherous gullet. Then comes another natural reflex: he gulps. This is the point of no return. His once caring tongue suddenly drops. You are jolted downward to fill the gap it leaves. The ruthless length rises again, drops again and then pushes you into a confusion of soft, all-engulfing flesh. Darkness, suction, noise. Your ears pop. You are being swallowed.


His massive gullet is swift to embrace you, squeezing you into submission as its powerful sphincter muscles begin the swift and merciless process of peristalsis. You cannot resist, you cannot breathe. All you can do is slither slip and slide deeper and deeper. At the very bottom of the gullet is a valve. It opens. You are drawn through in a matter of seconds.


Who would have imagined that you could feel so relieved to be in a stomach? But after the force and fury of the oesophagus, you now have a short period of relative peace to gather your thoughts and take in your surroundings. First things first, you are in a crumpled heap and virtually upside down. Somehow you manage to right yourself and wipe thick fluid from your stinging eyes. As the discomfort subsides you feel around in the blackness. The surrounding walls have adjusted to accommodate you. The rippled lining of the stomach acts like a concertina allowing it to stretch or contract according to its contents. How does it feel to be the contents of a stomach? You are grateful for the tiny amount of air that sustains you, even though the stench is almost unbearable. It is a strangely familiar aroma – perhaps it reminds you of that peculiar taste and smell you experienced when last you puked. Yes, these are the fumes of digestive acids. They are secreted whenever food enters the stomach. So don’t make yourself too comfortable, you’re just passing through.


You’ve been ‘bellied’ for a minute or two now. With your feet resting on the valve to the small intestines, you’re in a semi-crouching position and supported on either side by stomach wall. You can hear his heart beat, a rhythmic rush from his lungs and faint rumbles from below. Imagine the power of the body that now imprisons you. What should you do now? The great thing about being at the bottom of the food chain is that you don’t have to do a thing – it’s all done for you. If anything, all you need worry about is your next breath. However, air in the stomach is not beneficial to digestion. The gently churning walls enveloping you will suddenly twitch and spasm. There will be vile gurgling noise and a bubbling sensation as the stomach contracts slightly and your precious air supply vanishes up the very gullet you slithered down. This produces a long loud rasping belch, a final gloat for him and absolute humiliation for you.

You may be fortunate enough to have been devoured by a playful predator. He may wish to sustain you for a while just for the pleasure of feeling you squirm around within his skin. If this is the case he may well sip hot water. Consuming such beverages invariable results in the swallowing of air. Water will also serve to dilute the acids, which will soon be in full flow. However, this will be but a temporary stay of execution. After all, this is a stomach and not a warm, dry, cosy sleeping bag. 10 minutes have passed since you disappeared between his lips. The acids are beginning to irritate your skin, their fumes becoming intense. Your body temperature is rising. You’re feeling dizzy and fatigued as the stomach continues its relentless grind. You experience no pain, just discomfort and a desire to sleep.


17 minutes have been and gone and time is fast running out. You’ll soon fall into unconsciousness and slump into the slimy pool of gastric juices. What are your final thoughts? Perhaps you are trying to picture him walking around with a smile on his face and you in his belly. Who would know that you’re here inside him? It’s the perfect crime: he shrank you down and ate the evidence. You may be wondering whether or not he is proud of what he’s done. Of course he is! Remember, he is laughing at you! He has put you in your place once and for all. He’s had you for supper and, what pleases him even more, tomorrow morning he’ll be sitting down on the toilet and blowing you out.

More bad news: another belch. Here you go!

You are about to be broken down, sucked into his small intestines and mixed with thick yellow bile. As you snake your way through 21 feet of muscular tubing, he will soak up your nutrients and send whatever is left of you to his large intestines. There, any excess fluid will be squeezed from you and re-absorbed by his bowels for recycling. You will then be, and forgive my bluntness, a piece of shit packing his rectum. That’s why he is still sniggering. It is a pity you will know nothing about his euphoria as you slide out.

Bon Voyage!

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